Founded in 1997, Netflix has revolutionised the entertainment industry as a global streaming giant. What began as a DVD rental-by-mail service transformed into a digital powerhouse, offering a vast library of movies, TV shows, documentaries, and original content. With millions of subscribers worldwide, Netflix has become synonymous with on-demand streaming, redefining how audiences consume and engage with entertainment.
The platform's commitment to innovation, compelling storytelling, and user-centric
experience has made Netflix a household name, shaping the way we discover and enjoy our favorite content.
In the dynamic landscape of streaming platforms, Netflix stands out as a global leader, captivating audiences with its extensive content library. However, despite its vast array of movies, TV shows, and original productions, Netflix currently falls short in fostering robust social connections among its users.
Unlike other entertainment platforms, Netflix lacks dedicated features and tools that empower users to seamlessly share their favorite cinematic discoveries with their social circles.
The absence of these social elements hampers the full potential of the movie-watching experience, limiting the interactive and communal aspects that contribute to a richer and more engaging entertainment ecosystem
Research Goal
The overarching objective is to design and implement a Netflix feature that amplifies the social connectivity of the streaming experience, fostering seamless sharing and discussion of users' favorite movies.
Research Objectives
1-User Behavior and Preferences:
Objective 1: Understand current user practices in sharing and discussing movies with friends and family.
Objective 2: Identify user preferences for social features within streaming platforms.
2-Impact of Social Features:
Objective 3: Explore the potential impact of social features on user engagement and satisfaction.
Objective 4: Ascertain how social interaction can enrich the overall streaming experience.
3. Feature Integration:
Objective 5: Investigate seamless integration of a "Shareable My List" feature into existing interfaces.
Objective 6: Address potential challenges and propose solutions for effective implementation.
4. Privacy Concerns:
Objective 7: Examine user concerns related to privacy and data protection during the sharing of "My List" and viewing activities.
Objective 8: Determine user preferences regarding the visibility of their activities.
SWOT In-Depth Competitive Analysis
Conducting a comprehensive analysis, I compared Netflix with four major streaming competitors using SWOT Analysis. The focus was on social integration features, emphasizing custom list preferences and content sharing.
In-Depth Competitve Analysis using SWOT
social integration features related to custom list preferences, sharing, and sending recommendations for each streaming service
In summary, each platform has its distinct approach. Prime Video and Disney+ excel with personalized watchlists and seamless content sharing. Meanwhile, Netflix and Hulu opt for simplicity, allowing users to share individual titles rather than fully customizable lists. HBO Max strikes a balance, offering moderate social sharing capabilities, catering to varied preferences in the social streaming experience.
I've put together a survey organized into five sections that i've sent to 15 participants aged 18 to 54, representing diverse tastes in movies and series, Varied ethnicities, online platform usage frequencies, and social statuses.
The first section of the survey delves into general usage and preferences : Investigated how often participants share content with others, through which mediums, and their motivations behind sharing. Followed by a section on sharing habits : Investigated how often participants share content with others, through which mediums, and their motivations behind sharing
The third section explores the Shareable "My List" feature: Focused on participants' thoughts on the proposed feature, including its potential usefulness, preferred sharing methods, and concerns while the fourth section focuses on privacy and notifications. Lastly, the fifth section comprises open-ended questions: Allowed participants to provide additional feedback, suggestions, or concerns not covered in previous sections.
I crafted a persona by amalgamating insights from the target audience and the conducted surveys.
Through an amalgamation of data-driven analysis and empathetic understanding, I distilled the diverse demographics, preferences, and behaviors uncovered during the survey process into a cohesive and representative persona. This persona served as a foundational pillar in informing every aspect of the design process, ensuring that the resulting solution resonated deeply with the nuanced needs and aspirations of the intended user base.
Customer Story Map
I chose a customer story map over a traditional storyboard for its dynamic and comprehensive perspective on the user experience. This method enabled a holistic view of user tasks and scenarios, enhancing usability test task and scenario outlining.
MoSCoW Method
I I opted to integrate the MosCow method into my project due to its ability to bring clarity and structure to our development process. It functions much like a roadmap, guiding us with precision on where to commence and the subsequent steps to follow. This method proves to be an effective approach for analyzing findings and transforming them into a well-organized research output.
Low-Fidelity wireframes
I digitally crafted preliminary lo-fi wireframes, maintaining a deliberately rough aesthetic. During This process I experimented with the positioning of shapes for the Profile, listing, view and developed list screens.
At this stage, my goal was to explore how I could seamlessly integrate this feature while preserving the existing Netflix UI.
High-Fidelity wireframes
I created high-fidelity wireframes that seamlessly integrate the new features into the existing Netflix interface while maintaining its familiar design. For the 'Research a Friend' and 'Create a Custom List and Share It' features, I ensured intuitive navigation and clear interactions, preserving Netflix's core user experience.
Flow 1 : Research a Friend
Flow 2 : Create a Custom List and Share It
Usability Test Result
I administered a series of five usability tests, involving five participants in total. Each participant successfully navigated through three distinct task flows, which included:
1) exploring the profile section 2) navigating through the My List section, and 3) sharing a movie accompanied by personalized messages. In order to gather comprehensive insights for potential new features, I developed both pre-test and post-test questions as part of the usability testing process.
Research Goal
Evaluate the effectiveness and user-friendliness of the Netflix Social Integration feature. Identify potential usability issues and gather feedback to refine the interface, ensuring a seamless and engaging experience.
After Iterations
Final High-Fidelity wireframes
Flow 1 : Research/Follow a Friend
Presenting the final high-fidelity wireframes for the two primary workflows. Emphasizing seamless integration, I aimed to align the features closely with the current Netflix user interface, ensuring a cohesive and intuitive user experience.
Flow 2 : Create a Custom List and Share/Recommend a Movie
Usability Test Result Changes
- I modified the Follow/Unfollow process by displaying the list of followers and following individuals after the "Follow" button is pressed.
- Introduced a specific "Sharing Movie Flow" that involves crafting a personalized message for sharing, which will then appear in the Home feed.
- Made adjustments to certain aspects of the user interface to align with the design consistency of the Netflix UI.
- I added a shortcut to go directly to "Home" and "My Netflix", Changed the sizing and the positioning for some elements.
Reflecting on the project, I acknowledge the importance of placing greater emphasis on the usability testing phase if given the opportunity to undertake this project again. While I conscientiously designed the feature to align with the established Netflix brand, I recognize that there was potential for further exploration within those constraints.
On a positive note, I am content with the functionality and user-friendliness achieved in the social integration feature. Each stage of the design process provided valuable insights, contributing to a feature that has the potential to significantly enhance how Netflix users interact and engage with the platform.